robert payne - marx

01. the education of a revolutionary
02. the apes of god
03. in fury racing
04. the communist revolutionary
05. the dark night of exile
06. the demons
07. the years of triumph
08. the collapse of the international
09. the barren years
10. epilogue

no known link
Worth It

this is a realistic biography of marx that both tears him down and builds him up. overall, that's a good thing in the sense that it doesn't seem to be guided by any kind of political motivations; unfortunately, so much of the history that we read is skewed by politics and the danger of falling into a diatribe when writing a biography of somebody so polarizing as marx is beyond real, but payne doesn't do it and he should be applauded for it.

personally, i picked this text because it has a genealogical tree in it and that's part of the focus of this site. while i'm far from an expert in marx' life, i see no reason to think this is inferior to any of the other biographical texts about marx that are on the market.